Thursday, August 7, 2014

Blue Mountain Quarry Cardboard Play Set

My son, Elijah, loves Love LOVES Thomas the train. He is particularly obsessed with the movie Blue Mountain Mystery. He would watch it all day, every day if we let him. We don't. In fact, we limit it to no more than 3 times a week. Mama's sanity can't take much more than that :) However, we still have to read him the book every night at bedtime, and he is constantly acting out the movie with his toy trains.

As I was preparing to recycle a couple of boxes (Huggies diapers and Kirkland brand wipes), I was struck with an idea. I could make the Blue Mountain Quarry for Elijah to play with!

So, those two boxes + a lot of duct tape + a couple of sheets of scrapbook paper + a couple of images from the internet (thanks, Google) + answering "is it done yet?" a thousand times =

The Blue Mountain Quarry! 

It comes complete with two tunnels, an unbroken bridge (per Elijah's request), ramps to get to the second level, Owen and Merrick images, and paper rocks.

Elijah loves it! I love that he loves it! However, I hate that it always ends up in the kitchen! I'm constantly stepping over or stepping on trains while making breakfast...and lunch...and dinner :)

It's funny how crafting changes once you're a mom. I used to spend my crafting time making things to wear or to decorate my house. Now, I make toys. It makes me smile to see how happy a couple of boxes and some time on my part makes my kid. Totally worth the time!

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